Terms of use for DEKRA Job Portal - DERKA德凯就业门户网站使用条款

1. Scope 范围

1.1 The following terms of use govern the free use of the DEKRA job application portal (hereinafter “DEKRA Job Portal”) of DEKRA China.By agreeing to these terms of use during registration, users establish the conditions under which a user may use the DEKRA Job Portal.
1.2 Use of the DEKRA Job Portal implies agreement to these terms of use. Users agree to use the DEKRA Job Portal subject to these terms of use by accepting the terms of use shown: “I agree with the terms of use and confirm that I have read and understood the data protection information.”, and confirm their registration by clicking on the button “Create account”.
1.3 DEKRA does not store these terms of use. Before registering in the DEKRA Job Portal, the contract data can be printed out or electronically saved using the browser’s print function.

2. Contents and availability 内容和可用性

2.1 DEKRA makes every effort to ensure that the content of the DEKRA Job Portal is up-to-date and correct. However, no guarantee can be given for the completeness, correctness, topicality and constant availability of the contents.
2.2 In particular, DEKRA does not guarantee the constant and comprehensive availability of the DEKRA Job Portal, which may be impaired, for example, by disruptions to the server, public communication networks, power supply or other circumstances beyond DEKRA’s control. DEKRA also reserves the right to temporarily restrict the services due to maintenance work and further developments. 
2.3 DEKRA accepts no responsibility for the content and availability of third-party websites that can be accessed via external links. 

3. Proprietary rights to the contents of the DEKRA Job Portal DEKRA德凯就业门户网站的所有权

3.1 When using the DEKRA Job Portal, copyrights, rights to names and trademarks and other proprietary rights of DEKRA and third parties must be observed. 
3.2 Among other things, the images, music and trademarks presented by DEKRA are protected. The accessibility of the DEKRA Job Portal does not grant a license or any other right of use.

4. Use of the DEKRA Job Portal DEKRA德凯就业门户网站的使用

4.1 General information

4.1.1 When visiting our online DEKRA Job Portal, users can view currently advertised jobs, create a user account and an candidate profile, and apply with these.
4.1.2 Any natural person or legal entity is entitled to use the DEKRA Job Portal.
4.1.3 Users who have not yet reached the age of 16 require the consent of their legal representative or guardian. This, along with the other documents, can be uploaded to the DEKRA Job Portal.

4.2 Registration / Candidate profile

4.2.1 A prerequisite for the use of the DEKRA Job Portal is a registration free of charge for the user. Each registered user receives his or her own candidate profile for an unlimited period of time.
4.2.2 By registering and setting up an candidate profile, the user has the opportunity to use all functions of the DEKRA DEKRA Job Portal in accordance with these terms of use. The user can view and change his or her data, track the status of his or her open applications and apply for further positions or, if applicable, withdraw or extend any consent given for data processing.
4.2.3 First name, last name, country and e-mail address details are required for registration. For the creation of an candidate profile and an application itself, additional information is also required such as the candidate’s address, telephone number, work experience (start date, position) and language skills. The user has the possibility to provide further voluntary information.
4.2.4 The user is obliged to provide truthful information for registration, and to notify DEKRA immediately of any subsequent changes. The user will ensure that he/she receives the e-mails sent to the e-mail address he/she has provided.
4.2.5 For the purpose of authentication, a user name and password must be set as described in 4.4.
4.2.6 Registration and the creation of an candidate profile will only take place upon agreement to these terms of use as part of the registration process.
4.2.7 When registering, the user can give their consent that their application may be forwarded in an appropriate form (by telephone, in writing, digitally) to companies affiliated with DEKRA (i) worldwide, (ii) nationwide or (iii) solely related to the specific job for the purpose of conducting a selection procedure for possible employment.
4.2.8 The user also agrees that DEKRA and companies affiliated with DEKRA may send statements/declarations to the user by e-mail or letter to the addresses that the user has specified as contact addresses in his candidate profile.

4.2.9 Within the candidate profile, it is possible to change or add personal information and documents at any time, to configure the job newsletter according to one’s own needs, as well as to find out about the current status of applications or to completely delete a person’s own candidate profile at any time.
4.2.10 Deletion of the user account ends the right of use by the user.
4.2.11 Without registering and creating a profile, job postings can be viewed, printed, saved or shared.

4.3 Responsibility of the users

4.3.1 The DEKRA Job Portal may only be used for the purposes described in this user agreement.
4.3.2 The establishment and maintenance of a sufficient Internet connection is the responsibility of the user and is not subject to these terms of use.
4.3.3 The user undertakes not to use the DEKRA Job Portal:

  • to carry out activities that directly or indirectly contradict applicable law or legal obligations or that violate or could violate the rights of third parties;
  • to transmit content to DEKRA that is illegal or to which the user has no rights; 
  • to intentionally enter irrelevant, misleading or false information;
  • to intentionally perform activities that deliberately cause system disruptions.


  • 开展直接或间接违反适用法律或法律义务的活动,或侵犯或可能侵犯第三方权利的活动;
  • 向DEKRA德凯传输非法或用户无权访问的内容;
  • 故意输入无关、误导或虚假信息;
  • 故意开展造成系统中断的活动;

4.3.4 Furthermore, the user undertakes to refrain from,

  • impersonating any other person or entity;
  • intentionally providing false information in an online application or personnel request submitted through the system;
  • placing or transmitting content or information that contains viruses and other malicious software or erroneous data.


  • 冒充任何他人或实体;
  • 通过该系统提交的在线申请或人事申请中故意提供虚假信息;
  • 放置或传输包含病毒和其他恶意软件或错误数据的内容或信息。

4.3.5 In the event of a deliberate violation, DEKRA reserves the right to exclude the user from further use of the system and – if necessary – also to take legal action.
4.3.6 DEKRA is entitled to remove illegal content from the applications without prior warning to the user. The user will be informed of such a measure without delay. This does not constitute a claim for reimbursement on the part of the user.

4.4 Password

4.4.1 In order to protect against unauthorized access to the user account, each user is obliged to choose a secure password and to keep it secret from other persons.
4.4.2 If the user account is used by third parties who use the password (third-party use), the user is liable to the same extent as for his own use. This liability shall lapse to the extent that the user is not responsible for the third-party use.
4.4.3 If the user becomes aware that third parties are misusing the access data, he is obliged to inform DEKRA immediately.
4.4.4 DEKRA shall not be liable for any damage caused by the fact that the user has chosen an unsuitable password for his user account or has not kept the password safe. DEKRA shall also not be liable for any damage caused by a third-party to whom the user has given access to his user account.
4.4.5 After receipt of a notification in accordance with 4.4.3, DEKRA will block access to the password-protected area using these access data. The block can only be lifted after a separate application by the user to DEKRA or after new registration. DEKRA shall also be entitled to withdraw the access authorization at any time by blocking the access data or the account without stating reasons, in particular, if the user
a. has provided false information for registration,
b. has violated these terms of use or his duty of care in handling the access data,
c. has violated applicable law when accessing or using the DEKRA Job Portal or
d. has not used the DEKRA Job Portal for a prolonged period of time.
a. 在注册时提供了虚假信息;
b. 在处理访问数据时违反了本文中使用条款或其义务;
c. 访问DEKRA德凯就业门户时违反了使用的法律或
d. 长期未使用DEKRA德凯就业门户网站。
4.4.6 DEKRA may otherwise terminate the contractual relationship with the user at any time for good cause.
4.4.7 The user may request the deletion of his registration in writing at any time, provided that the deletion does not conflict with the processing of ongoing contractual relationships. In this case, DEKRA will delete all access data and all other stored personal information of the user as soon as these are no longer required.
4.4.8 Upon termination of this agreement, all rights of use granted to the user in accordance with these terms of use shall expire. Should an extraordinary termination take effect, or in the event of a blocking of access data, DEKRA shall be entitled to delete the user’s data within two weeks – immediately in the event of imminent danger – and without the subsequent possibility of retrieval.

5. Liability 责任

5.1 DEKRA provides the DEKRA Job Portal free of charge. Therefore, any liability of DEKRA is excluded unless required by law, e.g. in cases of willful misconduct, gross negligence, personal injury or death, failure to ensure the delivery of guaranteed characteristics, fraudulent concealment of a defect or in case of breach of fundamental contractual obligations. However, damages for breach of material contractual obligations shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract, unless caused by intent or gross negligence.
5.2 DEKRA shall not be liable under this provision, in particular, for the security and continuity of data communication conducted via third-party communication networks. Likewise, DEKRA shall not be liable under this provision for disruptions in data transmission caused by technical errors or configuration problems on the user side.
5.3 If the user breaches the obligations incumbent on him under this user agreement, he shall be obliged to reimburse DEKRA for the expenses incurred as a result and to indemnify and hold DEKRA harmless from claims for damages and reimbursement of expenses by third parties caused by said breach. 
5.4 This also applies if the damage is caused by others, insofar as this is attributable to the user. 
5.5 The damage to be compensated shall also include, in particular, any reasonable costs incurred by DEKRA for the purposes of legal defense. All further rights and claims for damages of DEKRA shall remain unaffected.

6. Final provisions 最后条款

6.1 Ancillary agreements must be made in writing. This written form clause can only be deviated from by way of written agreement.
6.2 DEKRA is neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
6.3 Should a provision be wholly or partially invalid or later lose its legal effect, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
6.4 We reserve the right to make changes to our terms of use at any time. In the event of material changes to our terms of use, you will receive a notification at the e-mail address specified in your user account. Material changes will not take effect until two weeks after said notification. Insignificant changes or clarifications come into force with immediate effect. 
6.5 The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this user agreement is Shanghai, China, unless otherwise stipulated by mandatory law.
6.6 This user agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, with the exception of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and international private law.

Version as of: May 2023